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Practice and cultivate Mindfulness Skills with Bob Chiang

Welcome to Mindfulness Skills

Bob Chiang


Mindfulness Skills is dedicated to your personal development, guiding you to unlock the inherent power within yourself in a healthy and wholesome way.


Discover the transformative power of your mind — the key to unlocking happiness and success. Here, I guide you on a journey of cultivating resilience and fostering better mental and emotional wellbeing. We explore the art of mindful living and empower you to be able to practice in every aspect of your life. If you find yourself grappling with stress and anxiety, you've come to the perfect starting point for embarking on your transformative journey.

Enjoying Outdoor

My coaching sessions are about


Empowering you to break free from the past, developing the skills to change, mastering the skills to be happier.


My goal is to help you to achieve happiness.

Empowering you to break free from the past, developing the skills to change, developing the skills to be happier.


My goal is to help you to achieve happiness.

Green Abstract

Meet Bob Chiang - Mindfulness Skills Coach

Thank you so much for coming to my website to learn about mindfulness skills. My name is Bob Chiang and I am a mindfulness coach based in the stunning setting of Buxton, England. 


I have been meditating for over 25 years now. I have an interest in health & well-being and I’m a Tai Chi instructor. Through my journey and experience in contemplative practice, I’ve discovered these practices help one to be happy and more wholesome.


In today's modern world, it’s so important that we develop our mindfulness skills to take care of our bodies by looking after our emotional and mental well-being, nurturing the positivity within, and integrating with those around us and the greater whole.

How Mindfulness Skills Changes Our Lives

Mindfulness is the development of focus power, clarity and openness.


In today's fast-paced and constantly busy world, finding moments of peace and clarity can be a challenge. The mind often races from one thought to another, leaving little room for focus and concentration. However, the practice of mindfulness offers a path to develop concentration, sensory clarity, and openess, allowing individuals to cultivate a more balanced and fulfilling life.

Mindfulness is the act of paying attention to the present moment, It involves intentionally directing our attention to our thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations, and the environment around us. Through regular practice, mindfulness enables us to observe our experiences without becoming overly attached or reactive to them.

One of the fundamental benefits of mindfulness is the development of focus power (concentration). Concentration refers to the ability to sustain attention on a chosen object or task for an extended period. In our increasingly distracted world, concentration has become a scarce resource. However, through mindfulness practice, we can train our minds to become more focused and attentive.

During mindfulness meditation, practitioners often choose a specific focal point for their attention, such as the breath or a particular sensation. As the mind wanders, the individual gently brings their focus back to the chosen object. This process of repeatedly redirecting attention strengthens the neural pathways associated with concentration, enhancing our ability to stay present and focused in daily life.

As concentration deepens through mindfulness, another essential quality arises: clarity. Clarity (sensory clarity) refers to the ability to perceive and discern our sensory experiences with greater precision. Through mindful awareness, we become more attuned to the sensations that arise in the body, the emotions that pass through the mind, and the subtleties of our surroundings.

For example, let's consider the experience of eating. In our hurried lives, we often rush through meals without fully savouring or appreciating the taste and texture of the food. However, by bringing mindfulness to the act of eating, we can develop sensory clarity. We notice the flavours, the sensations in our mouths, and the subtle changes that occur as we chew and swallow. This heightened awareness allows us to engage more fully with the present moment, enhancing our overall enjoyment and satisfaction.

Mindfulness also cultivates what I can call openness & receptivity (equanimity), which is the capacity to remain calm, balanced, open and receptive to what we are experiencing in the face of life's challenges . Openness does not imply indifference or apathy but rather an attitude of acceptance of the ups and downs of life without being overwhelmed by them.

Through mindfulness practice, we learn to observe our thoughts, emotions, and bodily sensations without judgment. Instead of immediately reacting to challenging situations, we develop the ability to respond thoughtfully and skilfully. This balanced approach fosters a sense of inner stability and resilience, allowing us to navigate life's inevitable difficulties with greater ease.

Furthermore, openness also extends to our relationship with ourselves and others. Mindfulness teaches us to approach ourselves and others with kindness, compassion, and acceptance. By developing a healthier attitude towards our own experiences and the experiences of others, we foster healthier relationships and a more harmonious society.

In conclusion, mindfulness is a transformative practice that can enhance various aspects of our lives. Through the development of focus power, clarity, and openness, we cultivate a deeper sense of presence, awareness, and balance. Mindfulness allows us to break free from the grip of a scattered mind, enabling us to fully engage with each moment and experience life more fully. By incorporating mindfulness into our daily routines, we can unlock the profound benefits it offers and create a more fulfilling and meaningful existence.


Helps you sleep better

Decreases anxiety & depression

Reduces stress levels 

Improves attention & concentration

'You can dramatically extend life — not by multiplying the number of your years, but by expanding the fullness of your moments.

Shinzen Young

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"The thing about meditation is: You become more and more you."

David Lynch

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